You Are Not Broken
Life isn't always a walk in the park; in fact, it's more like navigating a winding road filled with challenges. We encounter pain, fear, sadness, anxiety – a whole spectrum of emotions that makes our journey uniquely human. Sometimes, when these feelings linger, we convince ourselves that we must be broken. The belief that we need fixing becomes ingrained, reinforced by society's expectations.
Here's the truth, and it might take a moment to sink in: YOU ARE NOT BROKEN! Let that sink in a bit – you are not broken; you are human. To be human means to experience a range of emotions, some uncomfortable, and that doesn't make you flawed. Imagine a world without sadness; it may sound appealing until you consider the depth it adds to our experiences, especially during times of loss.
Our emotions, as challenging as they are, serve as messengers. They reveal what's important to us and what we need. The issue arises when we fail to connect with these emotions, turning away from discomfort or feeling overwhelmed by it. Rarely do we take the time to acknowledge that our feelings, thoughts, and experiences are woven into the fabric of our humanity, enriching our lives.
I invite you to reflect on how you perceive yourself in the light of your emotions. Do you believe you're broken? Can you embrace your humanity? Lean into those difficult emotions; they carry messages worth listening to. It might be intimidating, but it's a journey worth taking. Remember, you're not broken; you're simply human.